Our Low Cost area provides a list of Low Cost sites around Australia. Sites in this category must have a site available with a cost of Under $25 per site/per night, based on 2 people. Sites in this category include but are not limited to, Privately Owned Grounds, Caravan Parks, Show Grounds & Recreational Grounds, National Parks and Council owned sites. Low Cost Sites have a mixture of facilities, sometimes limited and other times more extensive. Some have time limits that apply, others do not. All our listings will show the Name of the Site, Address & GPS Co-Ordinates. They will show the facilities available at the site, and where possible they will all have prices. There will also be contact details and links back to any web sites maintained by the site owners. Some listings will contain Photographs and over time Video Reviews.

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Annie River camping area is situated on a flat above a steep bank of the tidal Annie River, this camp site provides boat access to Princess Charlotte Bay. The nearby Marina Plains Homestead and professional fishing camps are not open to the public.…

Basin Hole camping area is on the flat above a steep (2m high) bank of the tidal Jam Tin Creek. Historically, this area was used as a staging post when moving cattle. Large crocodiles are frequently seen here-be croc wise in croc country. The…

Second Coen River camp site features a cleared area beside the Coen River. The camp site can be reached by four-wheel-drive vehicles and off-road camper trailers only. Camp Size: Maximum 6 cars and trailers (16 people). Camp sites are suitable for:…

Vardons Lagoon campground features a cleared area beside Vardons Lagoon. The camp site can be reached by four-wheel-drive vehicles and off-road camper trailers only. Camp Size: Maximum 2 cars and trailers (6 people). Camp sites are suitable for:…

North Palmer River camping area offers a relaxing and refreshing camping experience beside the North Palmer River in this remote bush setting. The camping area can be reached by four-wheel-drive only. It is not accessible for caravans and buses.…